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Municipality of Sami

Live from Sami Kefalonia it's the Municipal Council Meeting Video.  Who will the Council vote off the island tonight? Click here or on the video screen to watch the video.

The Municipal Council of Sami Kefalonia consists of members elected by the residents of Sami.  The mayor is Mr. Manolis Valettas and the president of the Municipality is Panagis Drakoulogkonas. Both are lawyers and Mr. Valetta is also the Harbour Master of Kefalonia.

Click here or on the famous wooden mule from Homer's, Odysseus- the untold story, to visit the Municipality of Sami.

Odysseus Visits Sami


Sami is the primary port town of Kefalonia.  Schedules may vary by season.         e-mail:           email:      e-mail:  e-mail:
